Florist One makes it easy to send flowers in Canada. Whether you’re in Canada, or from around the world, we use the best local florists across the country to make you a hero with your flower order.
We understand the florist industry is plagued by bad local florists, even in Canada. Since 1999, Florist One has been helping our customers avoid bad florists by using the best local florists. We’ve sent over a million orders and have been trusted by over 2,000 funeral homes in the United States and Canada as their flower provider.
We partner with elite local florists across Canada to deliver for us. We continually refine our algorithms to determine which flower shops to use. Our algorithm looks at successful order completions by florists which includes analyzing reviews from customers and looking at pictures of the actual arrangements. These pictures were sent to us by florists and the actual customers. This way, we have a clear view of what our order quality is and who the best florists are. If the florist is not the best florist in town, we won’t use them on your order.
You might be asking, yes, that but what local florist will you use for my order? The local florist we use can change at any time as we continually refine which florists we use based on their past order history. Contact us and we’ll tell you the local florist we’ll use for your delivery location. You can decide if you want to order from us, or from the florist directly. Please note, flower selections and prices may be different on the local florists’ website.
We have a wide selection of flowers for all occasions including Birthday, Anniversary, Love and Romance, Everyday and Funeral and Sympathy. We also have flowers for specfiic holidays such as Mothers Day, Valentines Day and Christmas and Easter.
You can also shop by price or by type of product such as balloons, roses and plants.
Same-day delivery is available until 1 P.M. in the recipient’s time zone.
Though we can get flowers there faster, we generally give ourselves 4 hours to make a delivery. This means that if we get an order for 1 P.M., this gives us until 5 P.M to have our local florist deliver for you. Most florists close late afternoon to early evening.
What does 1 P.M in the recipient’s time zone really mean for Canda’s time zones? Canada has 6 timeszone as follows:
Pacific Time (GMT-8) - British Columbia (Vancouver, Victoria)
Mountain Time (GMT-7) - Alberta (Edmonton, Calgary)
Central Time (GMT-6) - Saskatchewan, Manitoba (Regina, Winnipeg)
Eastern Time (GMT-5) - Ontario, Quebec (Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City)
Atlantic Time (GMT-4) - Nova Scotia, Newbrunswick, P.E.I. Newfoundland (Halifax, Moncton, Charlotteown)
Newfoundland Time (GMT-3.5) Newfoundland (St. John’s)
Sorry but we do not have free delivery to Canada...but we have a way for you to save most of the delivery charge, see below.
Our delivery fee is $19.99. If you have several items going to a single address, we only charge our delivery fee once per order, not once per item.
We think this is a fair and reasonable delivery charge that is better than many national florists and is on par with local florists.
If you are looking to save money? Create a free Florist One account and save 15%. On a $60 flower order, this means you will save $9 or most of your $19.99 delivery fee.
Create a Florist One account and save 15% on your order.
Creating an account is free and there is no obligation to buy. Just provide an email address and choose a password and you’ll see prices decrease by 15%
We do not share your email address and we don’t even do email marketing. It can’t get much easier and hassle free than that. Avoid having to send cheap flowers and save money instead sending quality flowers from a local florist.
We are proud to have many positive reviews and happy customers across Canada and around the world.
While you are browsing our site, you will see reviews from some of our customers. These reviews have not been edited or changed by us other than removing personally identifying information.
See here for our Yelp Reviews, those are the reviews Yelp wants you to see. Here are more Yelp eviews for Florist One that for some reason Yelp mark as ‘not recommended’.
Florist One delivers to both the United States and Canada. Yelp does not have a listing for us in Canada and all our reviews, both American and Canadian are grouped together as one.
We deliver to all 10 provinces and three territories in Canada. If there is a local florist there, we can deliver flowers there for you.
We also deliver to funeral homes and hospitals across Canada.
Ordering flowers online is the easiest way to send flowers to Canada from overseas or any international location. There are several reasons for this.
What you do not want to do is to go to the florist in your country and place your order with them. The reason you don’t want to do that i, that the florist wire services and other networks are not interoperable with the networks in Canada. This means that florists in your country won’t be able to transfer the orders to a florist in Canada and Canadian florists won’t be able to transfer them the order.
If you placed the order with your local florist, they will most probably get online and place the order again, and worse yet, they may charge you a significant fee to place your order.
The internet makes this simple, and placing your order online is easy. Ordering online lets you avoid unnecessary charges and fees. Your order will be charged to your credit card in Canadian dollars and your credit card company will simply do the currency conversion to the language of your country so you will end up being charged in your local currency
Florist One Inc is an Ontario company and we charge 13% GST tax on all orders.
If you’re sending flowers from the United States or from around the world, this sales tax will apply to your order and need to be collected regardless of the country the customer is in.
Yes, we are still open and taking flowers orders for Canada during COVID.
Our flower deliveres are contactless meaning the recipient does not have to sign when receiving flowers. This helps keep the recipient and the delivery person safe.
The COVID situation can change at any time. If we encounter a problem due to COVID or for any other reason, we will contact you.
If we can’t make your delivery, due to COVID or for any other reason, we will refund your money in full.
We think ordering with us during COVID meakes it easier to send flowers. While individual florists in a city or across Canada may be closed, we find the best florists that are open without you having to worry about that or figure it out yourself.
During the pandemic, flower availability may not be what it normally is. As a result, you can make things easier for your delivery in Canada by checking off ‘Allow Subsitutions’ during our online checkout process’. This means we may substitute flowers if they are not available. This will however not affect the size or value of your flower arrangement but gives us and our florists a bit of latitude in getting your order there and on time.