Funeral Flowers Between $60 and $80
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What Our Customers Are Saying

Dianna S., January 10, 2025

The patient had moved from hospital to rehab center. Thank you for accommodating the switch to a different place. Did not see the flowers in person but received lovely feedback from the patient and family. It is sometimes hit or miss with online florists. Would definitely use this company again. Also appreciated their website recommendation on the size to consider and whether or not to include balloons. It was helpful to learn about hospital's rules.

The patient had moved from hospital to rehab center. Thank you for accommodating the switch to a different place. Did not see the flowers in person but received lovely feedback from the patient and family. It is sometimes hit or miss with online florists. Would definitely use this company again. Also appreciated their website recommendation on the size to consider and whether or not to include balloons. It was helpful to learn about hospital's rules.

Selhausen, February 4, 2025

The ordering, follow-up and delivery process was handled promptly and efficiently. The Flower bouquet looks very good

The ordering, follow-up and delivery process was handled promptly and efficiently. The Flower bouquet looks very good

Robert C., February 5, 2025

Everything was great.

Everything was great.